Contact Brian Roe

Feel free to contact me using the form below, or call me on:

T: 01926 775010
M: 07500 908365

My Instagram: @MrBrianRoe
My FaceBook: FB – MrBrianRoe
My Twitter: @MrBrianRoe

Please complete all the boxes below and answer the capture question to send me a message.

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    Brian Roe Photographer - Session Drummer - for Michelle Strain

    I am available for commissions and collaborative projects. Click here for more information. I also have my full CV online. Click Here

    All of my compositions are protected by copyright ©. If you would like to use any of my images for commercial work or projects, please fill out the form above and give a clear description of what you would like to use any of my work for. I regularly issue licences for a whole variety of uses but will instantly turn down anything I feel does not add value to my brand. I personally like to get involved and am passionate about protecting the quality and value of my work and where it is seen.

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